My Daily Skincare Routine

Good Morning and Happy Saturday! I am on my way out of town this morning and I promised so many of you I would do a quick post on all of my skincare stuff before I left. I often get asked a lot about it and what I am doing to attempt to help slow down the aging process. Like many of us, I had an addiction to tanning when I was younger and I am definitely paying for it now. I'm pretty sure I used to be purple at some point back in High School. (face in palm) Now that I am soon approaching 32, it is becoming more and more apparent that aging has indeed begun to peak its ugly head so I am going to share with you guys what products I am currently using, the order in which I use them and why. I will also have everything linked for you! SIDENOTE: I have oily skin so my pores tend to be a little larger than most and my biggest struggles lately have been with breakouts on my jawline (damn you hormones) and also having some sun damage start to appear. Because of my oily skin, I don't wrinkle as easily but I feel like our skin tends so 'sag' more when aging in my family.


This cleanser was recommended to me by my Esthetician at Aesthetic Specialty Centre. I absolutely love it and it keeps my skin feeling bright. I am extremely oily so it helps with that without drying me out. You only need to use a nickel size amount so mine usually lasts me for at least 3-5 months. I also love to use my Clarisonic Mia 2 when I am washing my face as well.

Facial Rinse/Toner

I use this for my toner. (Also recommended by my Esthetician.)

Light Therapy Mask

Ok, so I was a little skeptical about this at first but at this price point I figured what the heck. I'm going to give this thing a try. I read some reviews and people seemed to like it. Also, I have received Red and Blue light treatments many times before when I have gone to get facials would make sense this was legit too right? Honestly, I really like it and I swear I have not had as many breakouts since using it. Steve makes fun of me every night for it but, I don't care. Ha.

Pigment Correcting Serum

This is a Pigment Correcting Serum and I use it on both my face, neck, and chest. It's amazing and it really works. (Also recommended by my Esthetician)

Neck Cream

Ok so I used to never really worry about my neck and chest as much until like a month or so ago. When they started showing even the slightest bit of aging, I kind of freaked out and bought this stuff. It is amazing. Totally worth every penny!

Brightening Eye Cream

Greatest Eye Cream out there. As long as you are consistent with using it, you WILL tell a difference.

Firming Eye Lid Serum

Ok so something I am so afraid of are my upper eye lids starting to become "hooded" and hang. I JUST started noticing this this year and this is probably something I am the most self conscious about right now on my face. My dad had them so bad that insurance paid to fix his so I'm sure I will one day have to get them fixed also. Until then, I am trying EVERYTHING in my power to slow this process down. So far this has been the best serum I have found.

My Favorite SPF

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stuff. I never travel without it and use it every single day. I also use the matte because of my oily skin. It has many anti-aging properties in it as well and can give me a finished look without even wearing makeup if I am rushing to get out the door (which is a lot.) Lastly is it VERY important to never leave your house without your SPF on!

Here are some of my favorite masks I have used this month also....

My Favorite Lip Mask

This Hydrates and helps smooth out the lines in my lips

Eye Mask

This is perfect if you look extremely tired one day or are possibly hungover. I love all of the eye masks from this line.

My Favorite Mud Mask

LOVE LOVE LOVE this mask. My skin always feels so tingly and tight after I have used this!

My Favorite Sheet Mask

I love sheet masks because they are so easy to put on and remove. This one also left my skin feeling so refreshed and happy.

I hope you guys love all of these products as much as I do and as always, if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask me. I love helping and just being a part of this awesome community with you all. It's so fun to hear your feedback when you purchase something and hear your feedback. :) I hope you all have an awesome weekend and I will check back in with you soon!

Ciao Ya'll!

Sarah xoxo